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Saturday, April 20, 2024

The bad news, that antisemitic incidents more than doubled in New Hampshire last year, rightly gets our attention. The good news, if there is any here, is that the doubling was from such a very low base. Just 14 incidents were reported in 2022, according to the New England Anti-Defamation League.

Gov. Chris Sununu’s Donald Trump endorsement, back-handed as it was, is at once a great disappointment but not totally unexpected in a nation that now faces its worst presidential choice in modern times. Or should we say the end times?

There’s a $306 million building plan to improve Manchester’s schools, but just two weeks ago we learned that number assumed city departments would waive a myriad of fees and permits and that if these were not waived that the difference would be cut out of what was planned for the kiddos.

Saturday, April 13, 2024
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